Video – Conferences #88: La Crosse 2010 6/7, Mass Highlights

By October 14, 2010March 2nd, 2019Conferences, Coredemption, Coredm La Crosse 2010
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Ave Maria!

Here are some highlights from the Mass at our Symposium "Mother of the Church" on Marian Coredemption in the National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Crosse, Wisconsin on August 21, 2010,  including the homily by Abp. Raymond Burke, the founder of the shrine and Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura. Abp. Burke connects the heroic holiness of Pope St Pius X with the motherly protection of Our Lady. She inspired him and so he became like her and was able to love Jesus as she did and become a Good Shepherd in the footsteps of Jesus and his vicar, St. Peter.

Drew Mariani of Relevant Radio was MC of the symposium.

Ave Maria!

Audio (MP3)


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