Oct 10 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Gates of Pandemonium

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Homily #101010 ( 39min) Play - The Gospel of today has the cleansing of the ten lepers and how only one came back to give thanks, a Samaritan, a stranger. Father points out that this event takes place in Samaria on the way from Philippi, famous for its temple to the Pagan god Pan which was considered to be the gates to the netherworld. The form of worship of this God was so outrageous that you could really call it pan-demonium. But it is also where Jesus gives the keys of the kingdom of God to Peter (Mat 16:18) against which these gates of hell will not prevail. He connects these biblical events with modern forms of pandemonium including rock music, materialistic culture, sexual immorality, political acquiescence to evil, public blasphemy, replacing Jesus the true savior with human gods. We have been forgiven by Christ, cleansed from the leprosy of sin. Let us not be ungrateful like the other nine lepers but be like that one stranger who returns to give thanks to Christ our Savior. Let us not only do this as individuals but as a people and as whole nations, coming back to the Church that Jesus built on the rock of Peter.
Ave Maria! 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Mass: OF, - Readings:
1st: 2ki 5:14-17
Resp: psa 98:1, 2-3, 3-4
2nd: 2ti 2:8-13
Gsp: luk 17:11-19

Audio (MP3)

