Homily #101001 (07min) Play - Today is the feast day of St Therese of Lisieux of the Child Jesus. Fr. Ignatius celebrates this in the Extraordinary Form as a votive Mass since her feast day is on the 3rd of October in the old calender. He preaches on St. Therese's life who through the help of her very devout parents was given a very good start on the road to sanctity. He describes how even though she was an almost entirely unknown nun who died at the young age of 24 in a cloistered convent, her great sanctity was discovered by the outside world and she was Canonized as a saint, made a patron of missionaries throughout the world, declared a doctor of the Church and virtually every Catholic Church has set-up a statue of her.
Ave Maria! Votive for St. Theresa of the Child Jesus - Mass: EF, Veni De Libano - Readings:
1st: isa 66:12-14
Gsp: mat 18:1-4