One Minute Meditation
Daily Prayer for 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign:
Heavenly Father, we praise you and give you thanks for all your wonderful blessings. You are the Source and Fountain of Life. We acknowledge you as Lord, not only of individuals but of countries and governments as well. Awaken in every heart reverence for the work of your hands. All human life is sacred from the first moment of conception to natural death for it is created in your image and likeness.
Jesus, the firstborn of all creation, you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Have mercy on us, on our families and our country. Accept our prayers and fasting in atonement for the tragic sin of abortion in the world, especially in our country. By the merits of your precious blood, shed for our redemption, instill in all hearts a profound respect for life and bring about an end to abortion, euthanasia, and every other assault on innocent human life.
Come, Holy Spirit, strengthen us and give us courage to work tirelessly to promote a true Culture of Life, whether in season or out of season – a culture that recognizes the dignity and sanctity of every person. Raise up men and women to serve in public office who will work tirelessly for the protection of all human life.
Blessed Mary, Mother of God, and our Mother, you bore the Author of Life in your womb, by your intercession may our hearts be conformed to yours so that we might accept, nurture, and cherish all human life. Sacred heart of Jesus, pierced for love of our love, we trust in your mercy and goodness. Amen.
Written by Bishop James D. Conley, Auxiliary Bishop of Denver
We are “prayer partners” with the 40 Days for Life for the first time in our town. A new Defending Life group has been formed with representatives from 8 parishes. And for the 40 Days for Life 5 of these parishes, 2 university campus ministries, as well as 2 Protestant churches are taking part. This is our beginning.
Abortions are committed in a Planned Parenthood conveniently across from a university campus. A small contingent of people have prayed on the sidewalk on the two days of abortions for an hour or so each day for years. Now we hope to have more prayer warriors come and that some will stay past the 40 Days for Life so that a prayerful presence will be there in hopes of touchng minds and hearts and saving lives and souls.