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Homily #100923 (
07min) Play -
Sorry, the first half of the homily did not get recorded. Today Fr Bonaventure preaches on the life of St Pio of Pietrelcina more commonly known as St. Padre Pio a Capuchin priest who is a modern example of a miracle worker who died in 1968. Father enumerates some of the miraculous events and gifts that Padre Pio had and describes his life as one great miracle since he lived almost a supernatural life. The Franciscans of the Immaculate celebrate this Mass as a Solemnity since he is one of our patron saints. Fr Stefano, our founder, is a spiritual directee of Padre Pio.
Ave Maria!
St. Pio of Pietrelcina - Mass:
OF, -
1st: deu 10:8-9
2nd: gal 6:15-17
Gsp: joh 19:25-37
Audio (MP3)