Video – Variety #90: Alveda King on Black Genocide
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Ave Maria!
Alveda King of Priests for Life came to Malden, Mass on Friday, Sept 17, 2010 and gave an inspirational talk at the Eternal Life Radio Breakfast for Clergy and Community Leaders on the connection between the civil rights movement, so ably lead by her late uncle Martin Luther King, and the right to life movement. She asks, "How Can the Dream Survive if we murder our Children?" She highlights the evidence that abortionist are racists and focus their deadly business on the poor and minorities. She plays a YouTube video of a movie trailer on this subject called Maafa 21. And then another trailer Blood Money on how abortionists try to increase number of abortions for the sake of more money. She also plays a music video of one of her songs and then a video by Randy Albright Let Me Live from his album "A Musical Celebration of Life"
You can visit her website at She is also involved with Rachel's Vineyard and Silent No More.
Ave Maria!

Dr. Alveda King is also featured along with several Pro-Life African American Leaders in the powerful film Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America. Maafa21 exposes the racist history of eugenics and abortion- it begins with Slavery and works thru to today. Do a screening of Maafa21 in your area and get this important message out and save the Black Race ! View the Maafa21 trailer and get the DVD here