Ave Maria!
We are on our way to La Crosse, Wisconsin, to set up for the live stream of our Marian Coredemption Symposium scheduled to arrive late tonight. We will be posting Homilies from Wisconsin as we can. Live stream will start at 8:30 AM Central, 9:30 Eastern and end at 5:30 Central, 6:30 Eastern. Right here at AirMaria.com
Ave Maria! Can Our Lady be any more gracious than to give me the week off with pay for a Worker’s Comp situation, just so I can be around to partake in this symposium via “Live Web Feed”! How cool is that? I wanted to make the trip but couldn’t get the time off. Where there’s a will (God’s Will) Our Lady makes a way.
Can hardly wait to see what’s in store for this symposium. Prayers for safe travel.
God Bless