Jul 12 – Homily – Fr Angelo: The Weapons of Our Warfare

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Homily #100712 ( 00min) Play - In today's Mass we honor St. Gualbert, who abandoned earthly knighthood, after Our Lord rewarded him miraculously for forgiving an enemy under heroic circumstances.  St. Gualbert became a monk, fought against simony, and later founded an very austere form of benedictine life.

The story of St. Gualbert reminds us that the knighthood of Christ and true Catholic militancy is found, not in pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor 10:4), but in the spiritual might of the Lord that frees us from selfishness.

Ave Maria! St. John Gualbert, Abbot - Mass: EF, Os Iusti - Readings: 1st: sir 45:1-6 - Gsp: mat 5:43-48

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