Video – Why Devotion to Immaculate Heart of Mary pt1/3- Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts79

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MaryCast Specials #79 ( 09min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle explains why we need devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He stresses that we can not fathom the depth of what God has wrought in the Heart of Mary and so the devotion to her Immaculate Heart never looses its importance.

To ask questions regarding Mary, email Dr Mark Miravalle:

Ave Maria!

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Author apostolate

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  • Aharon Ararat says:

    My comments relate to overall content of this website.
    I learned here new about new Bible! Bible says Jesus is the Hope and there are no Hopes except Jesus. Bible does not say Mary is a Hope… Bible says Jesus is the only Intermediary through Who we can know God. Bible does not say we can know God through Mary or we can know Jesus through Mary or Mary is the Road to Jesus. Bible does not say ask Mary to put in a word for you to God. Bible does not say Mary will talk to God for you if you ask her, thus she will not. Bible says there is one King, Jesus. Bible does not say Mary is Queen.

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