MaryCast Specials #75 (10min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle explains how the message of the Fatima apparition is the 'Grandmother' of Marian messages since all earlier apparitions look forward to Fatima and all subsequent ones look back to it. He focuses on the quintessential message of Fatima that was given to Lucia on July 13th where Our Lady asks for prayers and reparation to save souls from Hell. The apparition continues with a vision of Hell and the suffering of souls there and then a prophecy of the end of World War I, then the Russian Revolution, the spread of Communism, World War II and the annihilation of whole nations. The apparition ends with her request to consecrate Russia to her Heart, do the 1st Saturday devotions and to say the Fatima Prayer at the end of each decade of the Rosary:
O my Jesus,
Forgive us ours sins,
save us from the fires of Hell,
lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those most in need of thy mercy.
Dr. Mark stresses that not all of these prophecies have come to past yet, especially the annihilation of nations. The best way to prevent this is to encourage more people to head her requests and to ask for the declaration of the 5th Marian Dogma.