Apr 14 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Doubtless Faith

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Homily #100414 ( 11min) Play - Fr. Ignatius starting from the example of St. Justin the Martyr, who testified to his faith by the sacrifice of his life, shows that faith has more surety than pure reason. Father points out that St Justin was also famous for his reasons to believe and he compares this with President Obama's assertion at Notre Dame that faith necessarily involves doubt and the most basic, natural morals can be called into question.
Ave Maria! St. Justin, Martyr - Mass: EF, Narraverunt - Readings: 1st: 1co 1:18-25, 30 - Gsp: luk 12:2-8

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  • Jen says:

    Ave Maria!


    I loved this homily. 1. It’s the patron saint of one of my sons. 2. It talks about some of the errors of faith which are so easy to become entrapped in.

    I have a question – I recently spoke with a priest who told me that if a person has been fully instructed on the Faith and morals but, after praying to God about an issue, comes to the conclusion that he/she can go AGAINST Church teaching, a priest must consider that to be acceptable. One example was for artificial birth control. I felt like this was an error but did not know how to argue against the comment. Granted, I can accept it for some RARE cases but I think the majority of people who would claim to be told something contrary to Church teaching, we’d have to say NOT. Where DOES one draw the line? And, is this priest correct?

    (I personally know of an ABC example of a friend of mine that i could share if necessary.)

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