Video – Face of Pro-Life #90: Bill O’Brien Legislative Issues CT
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Ave Maria!
Bill O'Brien, President of Connecticut Right to Life talks about the very busy upcoming legislative session in Hartford. Mentions some pro-life legislation that they are trying to start. This includes a parental notification law for abortion for minors which CT is only one of six states that do not have one. It is easier to get an abortion in CT Schools without parental consent than it is to get Tylenol. This is very important even for the safety of the child in regard to prompt response to medical and emotional complications due to the abortion. And also important in regard to child sexual abuse being exposed. Ironically, this all points out that the Pro-abortion movement ends up being oppressive to women rather than Pro-choice.
On the defensive side he hopes to stop an education standards bill that will require all students to have comprehensive sex education (under the cover of "Health Education") with no ability to opt out. He points out the very high rate of teen pregnancy and this after many years of sex education.
Ave Maria!
