Ave Maria!
More photos from the Ordinations for the FIs in Florence from Rinascimento Sacro. You can view all 386 the photos here.
The Eight new priests are:
Fr. Gabriele M. Insam
Fr. Gabriel M. Udogu
Fr. Johannes Jeremy M. Salise
Fr. Bernard M. Salter
Fr. Angelomaria Massimiliano Lozzer
Fr. Jean-Francois M. Coudjofio
Fr. Agostino M. Togbe
Fr. Donato M. Donadello
Note: This is a Novus Order Mass!
Carabiniere in formal uniform. Wow!
The Cardinal surrounded by the ordinands
Prostration during the singing of the Litany
Imposition of the hands
Donning of the sacred vestments
Anointing of the hands
“Consecrare et sanctificare digneris, Domine, manus istas per istam unctionem
et nostram benedictionem … ut quaecumque benedixerint, benedicantur, et quaecumque
consecraverint, consecrentur et sanctificentur, in nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi”
“Consecrare et sanctificare digneris, Domine, manus istas per istam unctionem
et nostram benedictionem … ut quaecumque benedixerint, benedicantur, et quaecumque
consecraverint, consecrentur et sanctificentur, in nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi”
Handing over of the chalice and the patent:
“Accipe potestatem sacrificium Deo offerre…”
“… Missasque celebrare, tam pro vivis, quam pro defunctis”
The new preists
Singing of the Gospel
The new priests concelebrating their first Mass with the Bishop
Unfolding of the chasuble
“Accipe Spiritum Sanctum: quorum remiseris peccata, remittuntur eis;
et quorum retinueris, retenta sunt”
et quorum retinueris, retenta sunt”
Blessing of the newly ordained at the end of Mass
The Cardinal returns to the throne to remove the sacred vestments
Leaving the church
Group photo in the sacristy
Please pray for all these new priests. Ave Maria!
Photo credit (C) 2010 FFI for Rinascimento SAcro – all rights reserved.