Video – General News #14: “LIVESTREAM” Rome March 25th 2010

By March 24, 2010Fra David Houseal, News
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Ave Maria!

Is the Time Ripe for a 5th Marian Dogma? Vatican Forum to Host Discussion on Feast of Annunciation

NOTE: If you're in the Eastern Standard Time Zone, Rome Italy is 5 hours ahead of us.

We previously said Rome is 6 hours ahead but they are not on Daylight Savings Time yet, so they are 5 hours ahead.

There should be some recorded clips of the live video available for a limited time after the event for those who can't accommodate the early hours. More details later.

Beginning time: 10:00A.M. (5am Eastern, USA)

10:00 – opening comments by Host (followed by each panelist
presentation , 15-20 min. in length)

1.) 10:10 – Archbishop Ramon Arguelles, Archbishop of Lipa,

2.) 10:30 – Archbishop Chinnappa, Archbishop of Madras, India

3.) 10:50 – Bishop Bagobiri, Nigeria

11:10 – coffee break

4.) 11:30 – Bishop Baseotto, Argentina

5.)  11:50 – Fr. Llamas, President, Mariological Society of Spain

6.)  12:10 – Dr. Judith Gentle, Our Lady of Walsingham Mariological
Society, U.K.

12:30 - break for lunch (simple lunch)

Afternoon Session: 2:45 - 4:30 (9:45 - 11:30am Eastern, USA)

2:45 – 3:15 Each panelist will be granted approximately five minutes comment on information of morning session
2:45 Archbishop Ramon Arguelles
2:50 Archbishop Chinnappa
2:55 Bishop Bagobiri
3:00 Bishop Baseotto
3:05 Fr. Llamas
3:10 Dr. Judith Gentle

3:15- 4:25  Comment by Ambassador Mercedes Tuason, Philippine Ambassador to the Vatican.

Open discussion: comments or questions from the audience directed
to panelists in general.

Moderator can facilitate by directing more speculative theological
questions to theologian, Fr. LLamas, more generally theological and
pastoral to bishops, and ecumenical to Dr. Gentle, but all panelists are
free to answer any question they feel comfortable in addressing.

4:25-4:30 Closing comments

Ave Maria!

Audio (MP3)



Author apostolate

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Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Joe Hickey says:

    I am curious? Wouldn’t making Mary equal to Jesus be blasphamy? I don’t understand why certain aspects of the church want to make her equal to Our Lord. She was, is a human being. She is the perfect creature in response to her creator. Nonetheless, she still is a creature and wouldn’t this make her a Goddess? Just curious? Praise be Jesus Christ!

  • Rachel says:

    Soem of us have to work. Will the friars have this broadcast available for viewing later? I will be praying and will go to mass that morning for the intention of this work. Thank you dear friars for getting the word out!

  • apostolate says:


    We are currently working on making sure this is available as a recorded video but it does depend on a third party so no guarantees. You may also note how early it is 5am to 11:30am Eastern Time

  • apostolate says:


    Thanks for the comment. This is a common misunderstanding which a solemn Dogmatic definition will help clear up. Mary participates in the redemption but her participation is completely subordinate to Christ’s. As you point out, she is a creature and Jesus is God. But we too participate by carrying our cross and following Christ “making up for what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ.” Col 1:24

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