Ave Maria!
This is a new high quality feature length movie of the life of St. Bernadette that has an interesting twist. All the actors are kids! It is professionally produced by Navis Films which is starting a whole new genre of films called “Children’s Cinema”.
Here is an excerpt from their website:
Just a very quick word about our purpose:
Western Civilization is declining, our culture is crumbling, and it will be up to our children and our children’s children to help save it. The arts comprise a hugely influential component of that culture. If we can inspire one child to take up a career in those arts, and to create stunning beauty so as to lift men’s souls toward God, and in doing so glorify Him, we will have succeeded. To that end we are creating an entirely new genre of film: Children’s Cinema. St. Bernadette of Lourdes features a cast of over 100 mostly home-schooled, Catholic children ranging from 3 to 17 years of age. We are certain that the benefits of this unique experience will extend far beyond its cast and their families. It has been my experience with our other films, and with the extremely successful Glory Stories audio series which I created with Ken Davison of Holy Heroes, that kids love hearing and watching other kids perform. I’m sure you and your kids will absolutely love this film, and the other projects we will be bringing to market within the next few months.
God bless you, and thank you for visiting Navis Pictures.
In Christ,
– Jim Morlino
President, Navis Pictures
Interestingly, some of these kids regularly come with their parents to our friary here in Griswold, CT. Enjoy…
Ave Maria!
AWesome! We need more good movies like this. Time for the friars to get busy.