From Catholiques1
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In ieiunio et fletu orabant sacerdotes: parce Domine populo tuo, et ne des hereditatem tuam in perditionem. Inter vestibulum et altare plorabant sacerdotes dicentes: Parce populo tuo.
Fasting and weeping, the priests shall pray: Spare thy people, Lord, and give not thy heritage over to destruction. Between the porch and altar, the priests shall pray: Spare thy people. Hear my prayer, O Lord
and let my crying come unto thee.
Derelinquit impius viam suam, et vir iniquus cogitationes suas, et reveratur ad Dominum, et miserebitur eius: quia benignus at misericors est, et praestabilis super malitia, Dominus Deus noster.
The wicked man forsakes his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him: for the Lord our God is gracious and merciful, and ever ready to relent when he threatens disaster.