Feb 13 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Seeking Our Lord

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Homily #100213 ( 08min) Play - Fr Angelo preaches on the Gospel for the Memorial of Our Lady on a Saturday. Our Lady and St Joseph seek our Lord for three days before finding him in the Temple, but all the while they new the questions that they had in their hearts would be answered. We too need patience in this regard.
Ave Maria! Mass readings Luk 2:43-52

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  • Christina Sachin says:

    Thank you Father Angelo,
    These words, sent as it must be through Our Lady’s spouse the Holy Spirit through you to our hearts give evidence of the mystery, beauty and struggle of living our faith. We wrestle with the limitations and weaknesses of our own natures, our impatience, difficulty in bearing uncertainty, and unknowing, in all forms of suffering. Our Mothers life exemplifies the perfection of all of virtue in these circumstances. The fruit of her faithfulness, her fiat and her perfect obedience is in her sharing in the Passion of Her Son as Co-Redemtrix. I pray that during those times, our will for obedience, trust and service is strengthened by Her intercession so we also may bear fruit.

  • Maureen O' Dea says:

    Thank you Fr. Angelo,

    I have been struggling with impatience and enduring uncertainty in my suffering. Your homily, sent to my ears through God’s grace has increased my wisdom. At times in my suffering when reading scripture I become selfish. I want answers to my problems to come forth evidently. God forgive me, I have made light of Mary’s pain thinking to myself, well at least she knew what lie ahead. Wouldn’t I be able to endure also if I just knew….? Your homily graced me with interior thoughts and this is where they led. Don’t I too know what lie ahead? Hasn’t scripture taught me, God is controlling everything and working everything that happens out for good for those that love Him? Where is my faith? I pray that I may increase in faith and wisdom through AirMaria. I pray to learn more about Mary and to be given her example to follow. Thank you for the beautiful homilies. Please pray for me, that I may come to know our Mother and that she guides me in my journey as a new mother. What better example!

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