Video – The Catekids #2: 2nd and 3rd Commandments
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Ave Maria!
Those wonderful Catekids are at it again with the next two commandments. 'You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain' and 'Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy'.
Baltimore Catechism 2nd & 3rd Commandments. To contact the Catekids:
Ave Maria!
That was a great video – good examples as well. It is very helpful to be reminded about the 10 commandments and what they mean and how to live them. Thanks so much! I look forward to your next video 🙂 Great job kids! 🙂
Thanks for the 2nd installment! Can’t wait to show my daughter when she gets home from school (6th grade). We really enjoyed the first one as well! Is there a way to see the first one again. I would like to show these to my RE class!
Keep up good work!
Ave Maria!
Thanks, Tracy, for the encouraging word. I’m sure the Catekids will appreciate it. You can get a listing of the series by clicking on the left margin link “Catekids”
thanks for the teaching it is excellent for adults as well as
children, much is said in just 5 minutes, may the Siefker kids
be blessed in a special way for saying “yes” to Jesus and Mary
looking forward to more teachings