Video – Roving Reporter #89: Friar Anthony & a Padre Pio Prophecy

By December 14, 2009FI Houses, Roving Reporter
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Ave Maria!

Recently the 'Italian' Roving Reporter had a chance to catch up with Friar Anthony M. Servium at Villa Santa Lucia in Italy.  Friar Anthony recounted a fascinating story regarding Padre Pio and his prophecy that a new shrine would be built between the town of Pietrelcina and the cave where the Archangel St. Michael appeared many centuries ago.  Guess which religious order (apparently) has the privilege of fulfilling this prophecy?  We also hope you enjoy some of the beautiful scenes of the friars' hike to the town of Monte Sant'Angelo.

[Note: Thanks for the encouraging comments from my last report at Villa Santa Lucia with Friar Anthony & Friar Josemaria.  It's great to hear from everyone, and be assured of my prayers and sacrifices.  (Note to Mr. Dietz: please don't Fed-Ex any burgers...there's already too much food over here!) In the next video, I hope to take you on a brief tour of Bosco ai Frati, a famous Franciscan convent which is now our postulant house in Italy.]

Ave Maria!

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  • Rosemary Orloff says:

    Wonderful story, great pictures. I will forward this to Fra Anthony’s second cousins on his mother’s side, Eric, Aaron and Christopher. Please keep them in your prayers.

  • Andy Diaz says:

    My family’s going to pray a rosary! I’ll offer up my Hail Mary’s as my own little stones for this city! -Andy

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