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Homily #091125m ( 12min) Play – St. Humilis of Bisignano, O.Min. (1582-1637). From his youth he had the gift of continuous ecstasy, to such an extent that he was called “the ecstatic Friar”. He was also blessed with extraordinary gifts of reading hearts, prophecy, miracles and, especially, of infused knowledge. Although he was without education, he responded to questions on Sacred Scripture and on any point whatsoever of Catholic doctrine with a precision that astounded theologians. He enjoyed the confidence of Popes Gregory XV and Urban VIII, who called him to Rome and, through a rigorous examination, made use of his prayers and advice. He was beatified in 1882 and canonized in 2002.
“Humilis” is Latin for “humble”. Father explains that humility is the key to obtaining true understanding, because God pours out blessings upon the humble and resists the proud..
Ave Maria! Mass Readings (EF) – Epistle: 1 Cor 4:9-14 – Gospel: Lk 12:32-34