Nov 14 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Necessity To Pray Always

By November 14, 2009October 27th, 2011Fr. Bonaventure, Homily
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No Homily

Sorry, we missed the audio today. We are still trying to perfect an interim solution until the new computer comes in. Please be patient. Thank you.
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Author apostolate

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  • Marie says:

    Hi – there is no sound after the intro hymn. Something wrong w/the audio. I can hear all the other sites but today’s sermon by Father Bonaventure, his mouth moves and he is talking but no sound. Can you fix that?

  • Susan Umulis says:

    The Nov. 14th homily : Necessity to Pray Always has no sound ! Please see if this can be fixed, or perhaps you can re-record. I appreciate all of the homilies and especially look forward to those by F. John Joseph. Thanks.

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Thanks for the notice, Susan and Marie. Unfortunately the audio was missed during recording. Sorry we did not catch that earlier. We are not allowed to have coffee before Mass. 🙂

    Fra Roderic

  • Marie says:

    no problem! You made me laugh Fra Roderic 🙂 – it is funny too because I wanted to listen to Father Bonaventure’s homily but thought maybe it was just me that did not hear him (I have bad hearing). Tell Father Bonaventure that his homilies are great and it is good sign when people complain they cannot hear him because that means they want to hear him :).

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