Video – Roving Reporter #87: A Taste of Italy

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Ave Maria!

Friar Terrance goes "on assignment" (from his Mother) to Italy in preparation for philosophy and theology studies.  Before reaching his destiny at Campocavallo, Italy - a stones' throw away from the House of Loreto - he had a chance to sit down with Friar Anthony Servium and Friar Josemaria who are beginning philosophy studies at Villa Santa Lucia.  What have these two friars been doing since their departure from the states, and what's it like in the place that they're now in?  Listen now and here about their adventures and also what priestly formation is like as a Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate.  (We hope you enjoy the scenes from Southern Italy.)

Ave Maria!

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  • Sir Rene says:

    I miss them. I hope to one day see them again

  • Fr. Ignatius says:

    Glad to see our correspondent in Italy is on the job. Keep up the good work fra Teresito. Ave Maria!

  • Other Mary says:

    What a treat! We hooked up the laptop to the TV last night for an after dinner surprise for the kids! They were giggling at poor Fra Jose Maria’s burger deficiency (wish we could fed ex them some!) and Fra Anthony’s fish and rice overdose!

    Seriously – we hope to see more installments like this one – it is so nice to keep up with these men whom we have been privileged to meet during their novitiates as they continue through their formation! Keep up the great work, Air Maria!
    Ave Maria!

  • Brother Skeet says:

    Yes it was a pleasure to see Friar Anthony, Friar Josemaira, and Friar Terrance all in Italy. Keep up the good work Roveing Reporter for all of us who one day will make it to Italy, or perhaps not.

    God’s Will Be Done.

    Ps. If you want burgers I wouldn’t go with Fed Ex, perhaps some other company, you know big and brown. Perhaps a 3rd order member could deliver them as a UPS man. Let’s see who is in the 3rd order and a UPS man as well??

  • Domestic Church says:

    This was a real treat for our family as well! We miss Fra. Josemaria, Fra. Anthony & Fra. Terrance and will keep you all in our prayers!

  • Marie says:

    All three friars are greatly missed here. The scenery of Italy is beautiful….I hope to see it one day.
    ~The Little Italian 🙂

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