Video – The Woman Against Abortion, Part III – Moral Situations Part 1- Dr. Miravalle: Mcast s63

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Marycast Specials #63 ( 10min) Play - Dr. Miravalle begins by pointing out some of the inconsistencies in our current laws and medical procedures concerning those still in the womb.  Then he goes on to speak about the moral principles which guide the issue of abortion.

Ave Maria!

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Author apostolate

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  • Joanne says:

    Thanks so much for talking about abortion – this is so important. There is a trememdous amount of “self-denial” in the Catholic world about it. It is nothing less than the horrific and brutal murder of an innocent child by permission of it’s own mother. If that doesn’t fill this nation with shame and sadness, what will? I truely believe that everyone without exception (unless you are mentally deranged) knows it is a a child in the womb but they won’t admit it because many people now a days are connected in some way w/abortion – either they supported it, or encouraged it or had an abortion themselves or one of their kids had one, or they are die-hard Democrats who would rather die than vote for a Republican. The people who support pro-choice and call themselves Catholic are living with self-willed blinders on and most refuse to take them off. It is just like the slavery issue except even more gruesome and bloody.

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