One Minute Meditation
St. Jude Thaddeus is the patron saint of impossible causes. We turn to St. Jude in times of despair and seemingly hopeless causes, including depression, grieving, unemployment, and sickness, and ask for his intercession.

A Prayer for the intercession of St. Jude (Feast Day is October 28th)
MOST HOLY APOSTLE ST. JUDE THADDEUS faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor who delivered your beloved Master into the hands of the enemies has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless cases and of things despaired of. Pray for me who am so needy; make use, I implore you of that particular privilege accorded to you to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolations and succor of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings particularly (here mention your petition) and that I may bless God with you and all the elect throughout eternity. I promise you, O blessed Jude to be ever mindful of this great favor, and I will never cease to honor you as my special and powerful patron and to do all in my power to encourage devotion to you. Amen.
St. Jude is often shown holding an image of Christ in his hand. Many times there is a flame of fire above his head showing the Pentecostal descent of the Holy Spirit upon him and also he is often shown carrying a club for tradition has it that he was clubbed to death in his martyrdom. St. Jude, pray for us!
I love St Jude.
Am in danger of losing my home from unjust treatment by a sibling. Have been praying for years that she stops her behaviour. I will lose all my belongings as I have no where to go and no money to move. I live month-to-month on Social Security. I really need St.. Jude to intercede. My Father was devoted to St. Jude and helped with the start of Danny Thomas’s Hospital for the children. That is how I knew of St. Jude. I pray for immediate help as I am being ordered out before the end of the month unless something helps. Thank You.
Im praying for you.
Thank you St. Jude for prayers answered.
Desperately in need of a job. There is this one opportunity where my husband could get a job. Please pray that the employer has a mind in favor of us, so that we could get this job. Please pray for us that we may stay strong in faith.
I have necessity with mi workers comp.
I am sure he will help me
Precious St Jude…I pray that you heal my husband of his addictions and fill us both with the Holy Spirit to rekindle our love and reconcile our marriage and heal everyone in our family. Please open our hearts to courage, strength, forgiveness, joy and peace.
I have recently misplaced a lot of money. I pray St. Jude will help me find it. So sad…J
ST jude please help me attain A*A A A in my exams. Let what I have been able to do despite all my difficulty and other things that have just happened out of no where. I do not want to let my parents and myself down. I have worked hard for this. Please let what I have been able to do be enough for the grades I desire, I will attest you your miracle publicly. I need a miracle St Jude, come to my aid. Interceed for me.
I am being relentlessly and maliciously bullied for the past six years by two neighbours (younger men), who are making my life as a senior citizen extremely difficult to cope with. I live alone and all I want is peace and harmony in my twilight years. Hope seems to be a long lost dream. I sincerely pray that this saint of impossible causes will intervene on my behalf. Also any and all prayers for this seemingly impossible cause will be greatly appreciated. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!
Please help me St’Jude! I have been praying for a miracle in these months of pregnancy, so that my husbands comes back and lives a life together!! I will cherish your help for ever more. Please bring us back together, i have cried and tearfully prayed that we get back our marital peace and bring this child in perfect harmony with the spirit!
St. Jude, my Friend, I plea before you NOW, in behalf of the others, my son Gabriel has a finding of RBBBon his esg..heal him and bless his career in biking..thanking God for his talent…this my lamentation to thee, Oh St. Jude in union with Thy merits you enjoyed now in Heaven..heal also Christy on her bone tumor and Janice on her breast cancer…grant them healing n body and soul…this my plea thru you..Saint of Impossible cases..offer all their sickness for praises and glory of God in union with the loved of Jesus and Mary, united with the communion of saints’s prayer and their love to God and for salvation of souls..St. Jude i trust in you….amen