Video – Catekids #1 – Introduction to the Ten Commandments

By October 27, 2009May 10th, 2010Catechism, Catekids
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The Catekids #1 ( 07min) Play - We joyously announce the world premiere of the new AirMaria series called the Catekids by a talented homeschooling family. In this episode they introduce their new series, which will start with the Ten Commandments and they cover the First Commandment as well. I hope you enjoy it.

Baltimore Catechism 1st Commandment. To contact the Catekids:

Ave Maria!

Audio (MP3)


Author apostolate

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Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Lady Joanna says:

    Wow! that was a great video really loved it! I look forward to the upcoming videos. Great job! Ave Maria! 🙂

  • Fr. Ignatius says:

    Outstanding! I think the audio could use a little work though. Ave Maria!

  • Eva Reyes says:

    What great way to catechis our childeren! My 10yr. Old Son and I say
    the video and we both thought it was Great! I teach the childeren and this a great way to show them a visual way on the ten Commandments. And this young lady and actors are truly inspiring
    for Jesus and Mother Mary… Ave Maria!

    Eva Reyes- from La Habra, California

  • jackie says:

    This made me cry for my own sins. I could only wish that I was that smart and good as a child. Even as an adult! It makes me feel good also to see that there are kids nowadays who are like that . It is very nice to see *sigh*

  • Joseph-Mary says:

    I also look forward to more productions. I am impressed! I see we have some excellent teachers of our holy faith coming into their own. I have sent this web address to some homeschooling and other families that I know will appreciate it.

    Ave Maria!

  • Donna says:

    Ave Maria!
    What an inspiration for the youth! Keep up the excellent work!
    I too look forward to your next episode!

    Ave Maria!

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