Oct 21 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Life is Short, Pray Hard
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Homily #091021 (

We need to make sure not to waste time in our short life. We must find tome to pray.
Ave Maria! Readings EF - 1st: eph 5:15-21 - Gsp: joh 4:46-53

Frame your day with prayer and work! Ora et labora!!!
Thank you, Father.
I saw a bumper sticker that said “WORK HARD PRAY HARD – IT WORKS” and I saw another one that said “TRY PRAYER – IT WORKS” and yet another one “PRAY PRAY PRAY” and I saw a lady wearing a tee shirt that said “PLEASE PRAY FOR ME” on the back. Wow! – Anyway good sermon Father Ignatius – I turned off the internet after I listened to it and started praying the rosary!