Video – Standing Fast #31: Our Lady of Victory

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Ave Maria!

In this edition of Standing Fast Father Angelo returns after a long hiatus and speaks about the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and the Spirit of Lepanto. It is a spirit of prayer and action, of manly courage and humble recourse to God in times of need

In the video I mention the book by Dom J.B. Chautard, O.C.R., The Soul of the ApostolateThis link will take you to Amazon for the current published edition of the work.

Ave Maria!

Audio (MP3)
Fr Angelo

Author Fr Angelo

I am Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate, and a priest for more than twenty years. I am now studying in Rome for my licentiate in Theology.

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  • Lady Joanna says:

    Thanks so much Father for the great video. I really like Standing Fast and have been hoping to see you back. I really like the messages you give. I am a woman and am trying to dress, act and behave more like a lady. I don’t were pants anymore but rather nice longer style, modest dresses and skirts now. I have converted so my behavior is very modest now as well. The respect I receive from men now is so much higher. A man even apologized for using a coarse word in a meeting at work! Wow! That was so neat! He made me feel like a real lady. I hope you can give us, women a special video segment sometime w/some tips about how we can be more like ladies and how to gain more respect from men. From a knights perspective, I think your insights for us, “ladies in the making” would be quite helpful.

  • Lady Joanna says:

    Hi Father Angelo, just wanted to say I really liked the article Damsels in Distress. You are right on target. I was never a feminist, never had any interest in being “better, stronger, smarter then men.” I hated all that and found it all very tiring… I see alot of women dressed up like little men during the day so they can be treated just like “one of the guys” (fun…) and at night they put on their sex object clothes to be used by men who look at them like they are just “volunteer prostitues” (fun…) Anyway, I cherish my chastity and feel my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and a sacred vessel of God to bear & raise precious children. I am first and foremost a Catholic but in a special way, a “Catholic woman” and the woman part is very very important to me. Thank you for defending us ladies!

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