Video – Roving Reporter #81: Master Sergeant Mike Cutone
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Ave Maria!
"Leadership in one form or another falls squarely on the shoulders of every Christian whether a Bishop, Priest, Religious or lay Catholic. Ignoring this simple truth comes with a heavy cost; all of humanity suffers. Growing the capacity of authentic leadership within the Catholic Church will increase the effectiveness of the church’s mission…to save souls." MSG Michael Cutone
To order a copy of the book visit:
And Mike will be at Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary for the Fall Encampment on the 17th October, 2009 to give a presentation to our young men on Leadership. Looking forward to that!
Ave Maria!
Audio (MP3)
Mr. Houseal!
Good to see you are doing well. Hope you will pray for Maureen, myself, our family and all the VdM familes, past and present.
Pax Christi et Mariae,
Great video – will get that book for sure. I heard about the book from Father John Corapi in his Holy Spirit Conference in Buffalo New York where he talked about it and recommended it. I did not know anything about Father Corapi until about a year ago and boy, I am glad I found out about him. He has a great website:
and is on EWTN – recommend visiting his website. Father Corapi’s testmony DVD is powerful. Mike’s conversion is quite amazing also! Thanks Mike & Brother David!
Ave Maria!
Hi David,
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I had a truly blessed time at the Abbey. You and your brother are in my prayers. Keep fighting the good fight. Send my best to the other friars. I enclosed a web address for folks interested with ordering The Leadership of Jesus book. God bless.
MSG Mike Cutone