Video – History of Marian Consecration – Dr. Miravalle: MCast 69

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Marycast #69 ( 09min) Play - In this episode, Dr. Miravalle continues his talk on the history of Marian consecration, which is our effort to become "a servant to the handmaid of the Lord" (servus Mariae).  Pope John Paul II's consecration & devotion to Our Lady is widely known, but have there been other popes in history that have consecrated themselves to Her as well?  In this episode is also a short biographical sketch of St. Louis de Montfort.  Listen to this brief but rich history as described by Dr. Miravalle.

"Whatever you are about to offer, remember to commend it to Mary, so that through the same channel whence grace flows, it may return to the Giver of grace." - St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church and "Oracle" of the 12th Century

Ave Maria!

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