Homily #090811 (09min) Play - St Clare, daughter of a noble family, became the most extraordinary disciple of St Francis the Poverello, the poor man of Assisi, and so she became the Poverella in imitation of the poor Christ.
Ave Maria! Mass readings
Thank you Father Bonaventure for that wonderful sermon about St. Clare. She is truely a light for women in a special way. It seems that saints like Saint Clare and Saint Maria Goretti shine with so much brightness against our darkened world. Chastity, modesty and purity elevate women so much and the opposite degrades them so much. St. Clare pray for women and obtain for us all over the world a thirst for these virtues. Amen.
Thank you Father Bonaventure for that wonderful sermon about St. Clare. She is truely a light for women in a special way. It seems that saints like Saint Clare and Saint Maria Goretti shine with so much brightness against our darkened world. Chastity, modesty and purity elevate women so much and the opposite degrades them so much. St. Clare pray for women and obtain for us all over the world a thirst for these virtues. Amen.