Video – Apostles Creed: Art 6 – He Ascended into Heaven
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Ave Maria!
Continuing our series of music videos of the Apostles Creed from the Roman Catechism set to beautiful polyphonic music from the Franciscans of the Immaculate and classic religious art, we now proceed to the sixth article of the Creed: "He ascended into Heaven & sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty."
The musical piece is "Sicut Cervus" by composer Giovanni Palestrina.
Ave Maria!
Beautiful! The Ascension is one of those “neglected” mysteries of our faith, in my opinion. Many people neither understand its significance nor praise God for its implications: among them that our human nature in Christ has ascended to the throne of grace (Heb 4) at God’s right hand. You have done a wonderful job to help us to give thanks for the great sublimity that is the Ascension of Christ.