Jun 21 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: The Two Cities

By June 21, 2009March 1st, 2019Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, Homily
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Homily #090621 ( 14min) Play - Using the analogy used by St. Augustine  of the two cities, the City of God and the City of the Devil, Fr. Ignatius explains the reading of today's Epistle from I Peter 5:6-11 where the Devil prowl's around like a roaring lion seeking the ruin of souls, trying to lure souls from the City of God using worldly pleasures and vanity and that we need virtues like faith and humility to fight against him. But further if we find ourselves lost in the wilderness of vice then the we can ask the Good Shepherd for help to get back to the fold, the Church, as in today's Gospel.
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