Jun 16 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Be Perfect

By June 16, 2009October 27th, 2011Fr. Angelo Geiger, Homily
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Homily #090616 ( 11min) Play - Our Lord tells us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect because Jesus has become poor so that we may become rich , that is, we may be divinized and be able to love our enemies.
Ave Maria! Mass readings

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  • Jen says:

    Ave Maria!

    This was an excellent homily, Father. Excellent. I think another area that can cause so much division within the Church is that many people, perhaps due to our fallen nature, struggle in keeping their focus on the BIG picture. We get lost in petty details. We consume ourselves with hair-splitting and we lose our way. Granted, we know that Our Lord is concerned with every minute detail because He created every detail. And I am not saying that we shouldn’t try to grow in every detail that we possibly can. But, the danger becomes when we try and dictate these details to one another. The minute detail gets blown up to be much bigger than it should be and begins to take over what should be the truly bigger item! The mountain and the mole-hill swap places, if you will. We must pray for that grace, as you mentioned, to continue seeing the forest in spite of all the trees that can block our vision.

    May God continue blessing you, all the Friars and the tireless work you all do for the salvation of souls .. for all of us petty, hair-splitting folk trying to maneuver through the forest of life!

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