Video – No Apologies #92 – Conclusion Faith Alone
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Ave Maria!
Today we close Fr. Rumble's essay. The nature of "faith alone" is directly opposed to Christ's establishment, and therefore, necessity of a Church.
Ave Maria!

thanks Fra Joseph – I like your program and learn alot. Can you tell me what happens if a Catholic man divorces and then leaves the Catholic church because the Church will not let him remarry in the Catholic Church and so he remarrys a Catholic divorced woman in a Protestant church and then starts going to a Protestant church.
A person I know did just that and thinks what he did is not a big deal because it is still a “Christian” church even though it is not Catholic. But what this guy and his new wife did is a mortal sin right?
Objectively speaking, yes, it is a mortal sin. There is no divorce in God’s eyes. If there was no annulment then he is still married to his first wife.
(n.b. An annulment doesn’t dissolve an existing marriage bond, but declares that the Sacrament never actually took place – i.e. they were never married to begin with.)
I should also mention that even if an annulment is received, a Catholic is still not permitted to marry outside of the Church (still less, leave the faith in order to marry else where.)
Christian churches are not the same. There are very big and essential differences between them. These differences can’t just be overlooked. This is compromising truth for personal desire.
thanks so much Fra Joseph. I needed to get a straight answer. When this guy told me he was getting remarried in a Protestant church I could not believe it. I could not believe he would give up the Catholic Church. He said he did not want to be “lonely” and he did not qualify for an annulment. I told him I thought what he was doing is very wrong but he did not care what I thought. Fra Joseph, I personally would rather be shot to death than leave the Catholic Church and Jesus in the Eucharist and our Mother Mary. He compromised Truth for personal desire – so be it.