I love this website, airmaria.com so much! I check it daily and listen to all the homilies and and watch the videos. It has opened up a whole new world for me and I have learned so much that I did not know before. I like the fact that the priests are courageous to speak out about the sacredness of the unborn children. It is a beautiful gift to us from our Lady, through the Friars. I love all the priests, but in a special way I love Father Peter. He reminds me of the saintly Simeon from the New Testament. Thank you for this website! Praised be Jesus and Mary!
I love this website, airmaria.com so much! I check it daily and listen to all the homilies and and watch the videos. It has opened up a whole new world for me and I have learned so much that I did not know before. I like the fact that the priests are courageous to speak out about the sacredness of the unborn children. It is a beautiful gift to us from our Lady, through the Friars. I love all the priests, but in a special way I love Father Peter. He reminds me of the saintly Simeon from the New Testament. Thank you for this website! Praised be Jesus and Mary!