Video – Part 1: Waking Up at 5,000 ft. With No Parachute

By April 11, 2009April 18th, 2009Variety

Views 2567

Ave Maria!

Ray Noury, a World War II Army Air Corps Sergeant Veteran, recalls his amazing survival story. At an altitude of 15,000 ft, he was knocked unconscious when blown out of his B-24 Bomber.  Waking up at around 5,000 ft., he beheld his shredded parachute streaming above, and reaching for his crucifix, exclaimed: "This is it"...

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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Join the discussion 14 Comments

  • Friar Cyprian says:

    Well done! I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed this piece of work. And, yes Friar Augustine, I am jealous!

  • Ave Maria!

    Great work with the video! I hope you enjoyed the flight! Where did you get the footage of my grandfather falling down the mountain? ^_^

  • Ave Maria.

    Master Paul Xavier, your grandfather didn’t mind reenacting his landing, as long as we used the footage in the video.

    Ave Maria.

  • Dan says:

    Excellent job! Truly inspiring.

  • Carol says:

    Amazing story. Great job. As Ray says we need to be thankful to God everyday. We never know when it will be our turn to leave this earth.

  • Sister Ann Marie says:

    Ave Maria!
    We found this video to be truly moving. The connection with Our Lady of Fatima is so evident. We can’t wait to see the next part. Wonderful work for The Immaculate!

  • Steve says:

    Awsome story!

    Friars have way too much fun.

  • Steve says:

    Make that an “Awe”some story…

  • Other Mary says:

    I remember when Friar Augustine made that trip with Mr. Noury!! I thought that at the time he said that Air Maria didn’t get any good footage to work with for a news story, but Our Lady must have had other plans! What a fantastic job you’ve done producing this video, Air Maria! What a fantastic story!!
    Ave Maria!

  • PASCENDI says:

    What an absolutely stunning story! Ave Maria.

  • bruce willman says:

    Ray thank you for your service in the Army Air Corp. one out of 11 made it. MyMoms 1st husband was killed on the ground after bailing out. He was on his 23rd out of 25 missions,they were to hit a ball bearing factory in Miersburg Germany. (sp) My dad was a crew chief in the corp as well. Listening to you speak calls to mind the spirit of sacrafice and acceptence I see as the comman thread of your generation.

  • Skywalker says:

    Ave Maria,

    Wow what an awsome story. Amazing story. An AMAZINGLYAWSOME story. Great job. As Ray says we need to be thankful to God everyday. We never know when it will be our turn to leave this earth.

  • Sheila Casey says:

    Dear Friars,

    This is amazing! Is Ray Noury still living? I have never seen anything like this! My father was in a similar miraculous situation as a waist gunner on a B 24 Liberator about one year after Mr. Noury. Like Ray with his crucifix, my dad carried his Rosary in his pocket at all times. During a fierce battle, my father’s plane collided midair with another plane. The plane filled with smoke as it plummeted toward the ground. His parachute literally fell into his hands! At the very moment this happened, his mother, back in Dubuque, Iowa sat bolt upright in bed and said to my grandfather, “Bobby’s in trouble.” She had spent her days on her knees for her three sons overseas who all came home alive.
    My father never took one day of his life for granted. He said that he and one other man survived out of his crew of ten men. They both felt they had lived on borrowed time ever since that day. He lived a wonderful devout Catholic life as a physician and father of eight. Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, he died on Good Friday, 1990. Thank you so much for the scenes from the plane which show what it would have been like for my dad and all the brave men who fought in the US Army Air Corps during WWII.

    God bless,
    Sheila Casey

  • Friar says:

    Dear Sheila,

    Thank you for what you just shared. Yes Ray is alive, and this April 29th I will be going with him to the location of the crash and the location where he fell. Nepomuck and Pradlo, Czech Republic. They (Czech republic) have erected a monument in honor of the American soldiers, and there will be a dedication. This will be part two.

    Ave Maria.

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