Homily #090330 (08min) Play - Our Lord has great patience with us, He wants us to be with Him in Heaven. We must be patient with others as He is with us.
Once again Deo Gratias for our Holy and fearless priests who can speak so eloquently God’s message. Let us continue to pray for all priests especially those who are furthest from Our Lord.
This priest, Fr. Angelo, is one chosen by Our Lady and NOTHING can change that – therefore, we must thank Our Lady in gratitude for the gifts She has bestowed upon the Church by providing us, Her little children with such priests.
Once again Deo Gratias for our Holy and fearless priests who can speak so eloquently God’s message. Let us continue to pray for all priests especially those who are furthest from Our Lord.
This priest, Fr. Angelo, is one chosen by Our Lady and NOTHING can change that – therefore, we must thank Our Lady in gratitude for the gifts She has bestowed upon the Church by providing us, Her little children with such priests.
Lord have mercy. Holy Mary, pray for us sinners….