Video – Fr. Johannes Schneider: The Christocentrism of Bl. John Duns Scotus

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Ave Maria!

In the second presentation at our International Centenary Symposium on the Mariology of Bl. John Duns Scotus held in Durham, England, Fr. Johannes Schneider, OFM, discusses the Christocentrism of Bl. John Duns Scotus and its implications for Mariology.  Fr. Johannes' presentation is read by Fr. Peter D. Felhner, F.I.

Ave Maria!

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  • Bill Haley says:

    Please more. These are great!

  • Jared Goff says:

    Thank you Franciscans of the Immaculate! These conferences are wonderful.

    God bless you.

  • Bill Haley says:

    Dear Fr. Fehlner,

    Only recently coming to know of them, I have listened to all of your videos in “The Golden Thread” series. In the final one, you spoke of the commonly held belief of the Franciscan school that in Mary’s state of justice, which is higher than that of Adam and Eve, she still would die.

    I do not understand how she would necessarily have to die if her state of justice was higher than that of Adam and Eve’s. And as death is a consequence of sin, it would seem that the Two who were free from all stain of sin, would be free from the consequences, no?

    I thank you for your time.

    Pax Christi et Mariae.

    • apostolate says:

      The concluding prayer formulary used by Bill Haley is perfectly legitimate. It is the equivalent of “we ask this through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of Christ Our Lord who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit…” and similar formularies. In the one given here the last part: who lives and reigns…, is implicit in the “and yours”. I would only add one caution: that however the Marian conclusion is formulated, it should not leave the impression that it is an alternative to “through Christ our Lord”, but as including or perhaps better being included in the “through Christ our Lord”, since we do not enjoy the mediation of Christ without the assistance of Mary. In support of this is the affirmation of Pope Benedict XVI in Brazil two years ago: by the will of God no grace or blessing comes to us from Christ without the necessary mediation of Mary.

      In the Immaculate,

      Fr. Peter M.

  • Bill Haley says:

    Thank you for the follow-up comment and caution.

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