Video – No Apologies #80 – Jehovah’s and the Trinity
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Ave Maria!
Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in the Trinity. In their booklet "Should you believe in the Trinity?" they give their reasons why. Today we're going to begin to expose some of it's many errors.
Ave Maria!
Endless trinity debates by the Jehovah Witness apologist is a red herring distraction to complicate reader discovery of the Watchtower’s real purpose of having come into existence.
Yes,the central CORE watchtower/Jehovah Witness dogma is a false prophecy Remember that readers.(JW’s love to talk trinity cause it’s an enigma that they can spin)
Jehovah’s Witnesses apologist use the trinity ‘quandary’ to divert and distract from the core issues
The central CORE doctrine of the Watchtower,yes the reason the Watchtower came into existence was to declare Jesus second coming in 1914.When the prophecy (derived from William Miller of 1842) failed they said that he came “invisibly”.
Danny Haszard