Feb 22 – Homily – Fr Tito: The Great Amen of Jesus

By February 23, 2009February 25th, 2009Fr. Tito, St. Mary's, Baltic, CT
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Homily #090222t ( 09min) Play - The Fr. Tito explains the "Great Amen" of Jesus to the Father's will.
Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Bernadette says:

    What a beautiful sermon. I have heard before Bishop Sheen’s story about the girl who went to the church and received Holy Communion to make up for the sacrilege of the Hosts spilled on the floor. I am always moved when i recall it. However, i don’t remember hearing the other story about the “Paper” and the “Meat”. I will share this little video with my friends. How BLESSED we are, to receive Our Lord and Our God every day. This mystery is unfathomable.

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