Video – Coredemption Introduction – Dr Miravalle: MCast 44

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Marycast #43 ( 10min) Play - The single most controversial title of Mary in possibly her title as Coredemptrix, yet the title speaks of her greatest dignity and her greatest meritorious victory for heaven and earth.  Listen as Dr. Miravalle continues his series on Mariology by looking at Mary's unique role in salvation history.

To ask questions regarding Mary, email Dr Mark Miravalle:
Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • juan alamos says:

    it is sad to see how the beast (roman catholic church) has taken the mother of Jesus and made her into an idol…and i could only watch a little bit of your video before i had to stop…she is dead! she is not in heaven…im not disrespecting her in any way at all i am simply saying that she is not in heaven she is still dead and will be until the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! how do you dare to call any pope a servant of God when history records that the roman catholic church was responsible for the deaths of at least 500 million people for opposing roman catholic doctrine…oh and in the year 1229 AD the Vatican’s Council in Valencia placed the Bible on the index of forbidden books and ANYONE found with a Bible was KILLED!! please shut your mouth and stop filling the world with lies. This is history speaking against you and your church…

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria Juan,

    It’s always good to hear from our separated brethren. As regards to the Council of Valencia, below I will paste a link to Karl Keating’s book “Catholicism and Fundamentalism,” in which he discusses this charge and points out that there apparently never was a council in Valencia, Spain, in 1229, since it was under Muslim control at the time, and that the “forbidden bible” you’re referring to is probably the bible being promulgated by the Albigensians to bolster their theories that matter is evil and the fornication & suicide are not sinful. The bishops of Toulouse (in 1229) restricted the private use of the bible until the heresy was over, and lifted the restriction when it ended.

    As for Mary being a dead idol, I’d just ask that you please learn what Catholics teach regarding Our Lady. Perhaps you could listen to Fra Joseph’s “No Apologies” videos on Mary. I’d also encourage you to investigate the apparition of Mary to the children of Fatima in 1917 or to Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531 and tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe. And please indicate your reference and what you’re referring to when you say that the pope and the Church murdered 500 million people. You’d better have hard evidence for such a claim, else you will be guilty of slander.

    With Jesus and Mary,
    Friar Terrance

    “Catholicism and Fundamentalism” link:,M1

  • DamianSV says:

    Wow those responses were good to me. Now that I have this knowledge I can answer with these valid points.
    The easiest point to make is that any church or group that teaches about Jesus has to have a direct link to him and his apostles ( not only in Heaven) but a direct earthly link.
    And it s morals and faith must be perfect. I’d rather be wrong and have the church right on all important matters that matter to my soul then have myself right and the whole church wrong. Because then I would either have to be around for ever on earth or have my disciples forever be around.
    And thats the Roman (Rome) Catholic (universal) Church.

  • DamianSV says:

    Also theology, discipline doctrine and dogma( necessary beliefs for salvation and right understanding about God) doesnt come from the pews and us. It comes from the top down.

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