Nov 23 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Christ the King

By November 23, 2008October 27th, 2011Absolute Primacy of Christ, Fr. Bonaventure, Homily
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Homily #081123 ( 24min) Play - On the Solemnity of Christ the King, Fr. Bonaventure places this in the teaching of Pope Pius XI who proclaimed this feast. He contrasts this to all those who deny the Kingship of Christ throughout history, starting with Pontius Pilate. He then underscores the sure hope we have in our difficult times, that Christ will be the absolute victor over any of the many modern Pilates. Long live Christ the King!!
Ave Maria! Mass readings

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  • DamianSV says:

    With certainty the Franciscan spirit is one of fire.
    And it’s nice to see you get it out and vent the anger toward sin (rejection of Christ) to great use and merit.

    I hope you do smile and have enjoyable moments.
    Like Anne the lay apostle.

    God is Love , but God is fear.
    All is well , all is not well.
    Pray , hope , don’t worry and work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

    It’s good for you to rile us up with fervor like Michael Voris for the defense of the Kingdom.

    I imagine that to do so effectively as done by all of Airmaria , there is much sacrifice and love to accomplish zeal.

    What is truth? What …is…truth?

    We repeat the title of this meditation with respect, in awe. We repeat it as a prayer: “Jesus, teach us the truth.”

    What is truth? The question, in fact, just as you heard it, came out of the cynical mouth of a cynical man. You may recall that question. I’ll say something about the cynical man in just a second. But what appears in the Word of God coming out of the mouth of a cynical man: “What is truth?” We ask that question now in awe, with reverence. I even dare say, seeking Him whom we adore: what is truth?

    Now the cynical man: Pontius Pilate. You ask yourself why does the Word of God include such a sickly question in the mouth of a man who is about to kill the author of Life? Pontius Pilate. The day during the hours of the judgment of Jesus that Good Friday,

    Pontius Pilate was receiving messages from messengers frequently. His wife sent word, “Don’t have anything to do against this holy man, I had a dream about him last night, don’t have anything to do against him.” And Pilate, cowardly, just got more and more scared. He knew this man was innocent –utterly different– but innocent.

    And Jesus said, This is why I came into the world: to bear witness to the truth.

    Apparently, a couple of seconds before Jesus came to the end of that sentence somebody was calling Pilate off to the wings, I suppose with another message, and then he apparently tosses over his shoulder the sickly question that we are talking about: “Truth, what’s that?”

    What is truth? Truth, what’s that?

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