Video – FiNews #42: Bell Tower Foundation Complete
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Ave Maria!
The foundation for the bell tower at Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary in Griswold CT is finally complete. This short film is in thanksgiving to Our Lord and Lady and to our generous benefactors and volunteers that got us to this milestone. Its all upward from here. Deo Gratias!
To volunteer or donate funds or material call 1-860-376-6840 or write: Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary, Bell Tower, 199 Colonel Brown Rd., Griswold, CT 06351
Ave Maria!
The photo of the foundation is the fish pond once seen next to St. Joseph’s chapel. How beautiful! Now all we need is a rainstorm with enough rain to fill it with water. lol
Ave Maria!
Hot Diggety … lookin’ good! No to the fish pond idea. 🙂 Skating rink? Nahh. Seriously, it looks very nice and must be so nice to see it get to this point. We’ve gotten so used to seeing the big HOLE there.
Good to see some progress after such a long time! 🙂
It’s a shame that I don’t live closer so I could be of more assistance. Either way may your foundation be a strong one.
God Bless.