Video – News #12: Final Rally for 40 Days for Life
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Ave Maria!
The 2008 Forty Days for Life finished Sunday night Nov 2 with a closing Victory Rally held at St. Patrick's Cathedral and a Candlelight Vigil held in front of Planned Parenthood. Corinn Dahm from Face of Pro-life (also a 40 Days organizer) interviewed Brian Daly the local coordinator of Norwich's 40 Days.
Ave Maria!
Abortion will end in this world when God’s shepherds get off their duff’s and begin doing what they are supposed to be doing. I heard Fr. Angelo speak yesterday about the penalty for abortion is excommunication. Then why have we not heard about any of these women or politicians being excommunicated?
When I was a child all my dad had to do was pretend to be taking off his belt and I then immediately did what I was supposed to do. He never hit me and I knew in my heart that he loved me. That little bit of fear of discipline and retribution was enough to get me to comply. Even God dispenses justice. This effeminate Church we have today is too cowardly to call and ace an ace and a spade a spade.
All I have to say to any of this now is that “You were warned.” Our Lady gave plenty of warnings for what will not face our nation. Catholics need to concentrate on reforming priests not the people. Lets organize 40 hour vigils to pray for priests to stand tall and have courage to stand on the side of what is not only right but WHAT IS NEEDED. God help America.