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Homily #081019 (
27min) Play - In order to preserve the nation you must first of all preserve life. Any Catholic that votes for a Pro-abortion candidate commits a mortal sin... ... and so compared to life, the economy means nothing - only the economy of Salvation matters - hear hear!!! Bravo Fr. Bonaventure - at last some moral leadership leading up to the coming election.
Ave Maria! Mass readings
Father, this definitely goes in the ‘hardhitting homily’ category!
God bless you for it.
Ave Maria!
Viva Cristo Rey!
Praise God!!! Thank you, Father. Awesome homily!!! Gino really enjoyed this homily and remarked how much he misses your Catechism classes.
Ave Maria!
Thank you, Father. I am sharing this video with others.
Thank you Fr. Bonaventure!!!! I wish every Catholic would take the opportunity to listen to this one homily– it says it all. God bless you and the rest of the Fransican Friars of the Immaculate– you give us hope. May God protect you and keep you.