Video – Face of Pro-Life #42: Abortion, Politics, and Scandal

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Corinn Dahm and Fr Angelo Geiger discuss the scandal of Catholic Pro-Abortion Politicians and why their behavior is harmful to the faithful and society. Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Bernadette says:

    Excellent Video! I understand that a priest should withhold Holy Communion from a public person who has manifested grave mortal sin and chooses to continue in the same way. However, what is the obligation of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion? If they think they should, and the parish priest thinks otherwise, what should happen?

  • Jennifer A. says:

    Yes, this was very interesting. Good point, Bernadette! The other question I had has to do with FAther’s comment that a priest is obligated to refuse the distribution of Holy Communion to a public *offender* (someone publicly in mortal sin) but not to someone who has privately confessed mortal sin and refuses to change ..thus not being given absolution. I guess I understand it that if a priest were to refuse Holy Communion, he would be indirectly revealing the state of this person’s soul. However, is he not then obligated to approach the person afterwards to tell him/her not to receive Communion again? I never knew this teaching before … I guess I get it, but it does still seem like the priest, who is obligated to NOT give Holy Communion to one knowingly in mortal sin, is going against what he knows to be right. (I’m not making myself very clear and I apologize … can’t seem to type out the right words for what I’m trying to say.) It seems like somewhat of a contradiction.

    So much to know … so little time!

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