Aug 31 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Get Behind Me Satan!

By August 31, 2008October 27th, 2011Fr. Angelo Geiger, Homily
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Homily #080831 ( 25min) Play - This is where the rubber meets the road! Its not enough to be orthodox, its not enough to believe in the Eucharist, its not enough to receive Communion on the knees and on the tongue, its not enough to be at a traditional liturgy - we must live what we celebrate. Much better to go to a simple rubric correct but simple Novus Ordo Mass than to go to the highest most solemn traditional Mass and miss this point! This is where the rubber meets the road! If we don't carry our Cross then we don't have an authentic spiritual life - no matter what else we do in our Holy Religion.
Ave Maria! Mass readings

Author apostolate

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  • Aimee Fleming says:

    Thanking God for the amazing graces from the homily today – especially as one of the simple Novus Ordo mass goers (I find Mass in a foreign language makes God seem farther away though the Latin is soothing). This is perhaps the homily of all homilies. Like St. John would preach the same homily over and over about loving one another or so I’ve been told. This homily could be preached over and over and over again. I don’t know how long you’ll keep it posted, but I’m going to try and listen to it every day, God willing. May God reward ya’ll. I’ve been blessed by all of the homilies since discovering Air Maria on the Feast of St. Max this year. Blessed be the Cross. Our Lady and St. Maximillian Mary, pray for us

  • Darlene says:

    Wow, what an awesome homily!

  • Son of the Immaculate says:

    Amen, amen, amen! Thank you Father Angelo! Ave Maria!

  • Marie W. says:

    Father Angelo,

    Your homily was encouraging for those of us who experience suffering today.
    I was reflecting on the characters in the Bible who had some type of affliciton (or whose family member suffered) and asked God to have pity on them. Jesus is pleased with their faith and heals the illness or disability. But I cannot recount any of them being called Saints in the Church. I move on in my reflection to the Saints of the Church who did experience some type of obvious (documented) suffering, (ie. St.Padre Pio, St. Bernadette, St Francis of Assisi…). None of them, to my knowledge ask Our Lord for healing; they have embraced their suffering and offered it up to God for the salvation of souls.
    So here is my question…if we ask Our Lord to remove a particular cross do we lose any degree of sanctity, or any place in heaven, for having wished with faith that our cross be taken away? Is asking for mercy less supernatural than to just embrace the chosen cross until God desires to remove it?
    And to your knowledge, are there any Saints who had afflictions that were cured because they asked God, like the Canaanite woman in the Old Testament?

  • Marie W. says:

    Me again.

    My question above needs no reply…”The Agony in the Garden”. Jesus Himself (greater than any Saint) is the one Who asks the Father to allow the chalice to pass by Jesus…”Saying, Father, if thou wilt, remove this chalice from me, but yet not my will, but thine be done.” Luke 22:42 (Douay-Rheims Bible)

    God is so Good! 🙂

  • Jennifer says:

    Ave Maria!

    This homily was a true gift from God. Father Angelo, you have a gift, I think, of reading God’s heart and then expressing it so clearly for the rest of us. What a blessing and we thank you for your faithfulness and courage to pick up YOUR cross day in and day out to serve all of us.

    Thank you.
    In Jesus through Mary,

  • Jayjay says:

    Great Homily Father….

  • PASCENDI says:

    Thank you Fr. I really appreciate having these homilies on the web because I can go back days and even weeks later and see what I missed. This one was excellent because it made me uncomfortible really.

    IJM Pascendi

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