Aug 23 – Special Homily – Fr Angelo: Annual Queenship Celebration
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Homily #080823s (

Fr. Angelo preaches for the Mass at our annual Queenship of Mary celebration which we do on the Saturday nearest the Queenship Feastday of Aug 22nd. It is a celebration of the establishment of the Franciscans in Griswold and has been the celebration of each step of the completion of our facilities here, including the Lourdes Grotto 1994, the Friary 2000, the Dedication of the Chapel 2001 and the dedication of St. Joseph's Chapel 2003. Listen as Father explains the need for thanksgiving and for making Our Lady the Queen of our nation, culture and personal lives as the best expression of our Catholic Faith, for it is Our Lord who chose her as His Queen-Mother, and we should imitate Him.
Ave Maria!
Another Sunny Day for the Feast Day celebration! That was promised. Another wonderful homily about Our Dear Sweet Mother and Queen….. Thank you for all the work the friars put into honoring Our Lady in such a spectacular way with such an event as this feast day. Yes, She does provide! She is the Queen! and my Mother!