Jul 21 – Homily – Church Militant and Spiritual Warfare

By July 21, 2008October 27th, 2011Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, Homily
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Homily #080721 ( 09min) Play - Fr Ignatius preaches on St. Lawrence, a great example of what it means to be a member of the Church Militant in the sense of engaging in spiritual warfare.
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Author apostolate

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  • mayra says:

    Within the family and as parents we must fight for the salvation of our souls, our spouse’s and the souls of our children. I would add that one of the greatest threats to the salvation of souls in our day is within the Church due to false prophets. We are subjected to modernist teachings in our catechesis at a great number of parishes worldwide and even from the pulpit, since some of the clergy have succumed to modernism. We have a natural tendency to question and analyze the validity of values and teachings coming from outside the Church, but when we hear it in our parishes most Catholics accept it without question — like sheep who don’t know the voice of the Shepherd. Not knowing the voice of the Shepherd they accept the voice of the false prophets. This I think is the greatest challenge we face in the Church, as Jesus said, beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Thanks to AirMaria, EWTN, and the access to the Holy Father’s teachings, we have good tools at our disposal to learn and to teach others.
    God bless

  • Set All Afire says:

    Just coming off a nourishing weekend of both physical and spiritual enrichment it is all the more satisfying to hear your homily. The church militant is something that has been all but eradicated from the pulpit, religion classes, and most unfortunate of all it is being smothered by the world?s feministic agenda, and this is what is being preached about. It is truly scandalous for the Priests, and the Bishops, of Holy Mother Church not to be more militant in their preaching, and to be leading their flock astray down the path that is wide and easy. I?m not trying to imply that these men need to be dictators from the pulpit, but they do need to preach the truth.

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