Video – Roving Reporter #34: Our Lady of Guadalupe at Lacrosse, Wisconsin
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Ave Maria!
[Update: See live coverage of the Dedication Mass on EWTN, Thursday, July 31, 1pm-4pm]
In anticipation of the opening of the new Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in Lacrosse, WI on July 31, 2008, this Roving Reporter Special tours us through this new beautiful shrine, which at the time was under construction, and will be staffed by the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Deo Gratias!
for more information on this Marian shrine:
Some photos from New Liturgical Movement
Ave Maria! +++
Oh how beautiful! We are drooling!! God bless Archbishop Burke and all involved in creating this masterpiece! Our family hopes to make a pilgrimage to this shrine some day! Ave Maria!